Category Archives: Education

18 Totally Valid Reasons to Call Out of Work

While taking such leave, inform your manager about the condition in advance. If you think you can manage, you can also ask for a remote work day to complete urgent tasks at work. Sudden home emergencies requiring immediate attention from you are valid reasons to call out of work. Apart from fulfilling your duties at work, you have certain responsibilities towards your home too. Paying attention to your family in an emergency situation should be a priority task for you. I am requesting a leave of absence due to the recent loss of my [relationship] [family member’s name].

good excuse to call out of work

Certain kinds of family emergencies are good reasons to call out of work without much notice. If the family situation demands your attention and assistance, and the potential consequences or outcome are dire, it could fall in this category. However, like your own illness, make sure you know what you’ll need to provide – if anything – to support that decision or ensure you can return. Usually, any required steps will be outlined in the employee handbook.

My kid is sick

Or maybe you’ve hit a bout of challenges and need to take a mental health day. Whatever you’re dealing with, a personal day could be what you need to stay sane, run errands, and catch up on life. The truth is that there are plenty of valid reasons to miss work. As long as you’re not taking advantage of company policies, calling out of work should be reframed as a form of self-care. When you take the time you need to rest, you can be more effective, productive, and focused later.

  • Sometimes your boss may follow up with further questioning into your reason for absence.
  • Most companies have bereavement leaves as a separate section in the leave policy.
  • Calling out of work to prioritize childcare can also help curb the impact of caregiver fatigue.
  • Everyone needs an unexpected day off work at least once in their life.

That will make, you and your employer, happier in the long run. It’s a practice that challenges us to look inward at our experience, though good reasons to call out of work it’s personal and unique to every individual. If someone you love passes away, the last thing you want to think about is work.


Employers usually prioritize employee safety and well-being in these circumstances. Mental health is essential for overall well-being and peak performance on the job. Taking a mental health day is valid and beneficial in preventing burnout and reducing stress, ultimately leading to increased productivity when back at work.

  • She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.
  • With such a high number of pet owners today, it’s likely that your boss also has a pet of some sort and will understand where you are coming from when you ask for time off.
  • Regular rest and recuperation are key to preventing physical exhaustion and preserving overall health and wellbeing.
  • Keep in mind that your employer has the legal right to require you to submit to coronavirus testing and have a negative result before you can return to work.

To mitigate undue stress, thoughtfully approach your transition back to work after a sick day. Before diving back into your workload, take a moment to ease into your routine – acknowledging your health and the importance of maintaining it. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at Every extra minute of notice you can offer is worth giving, especially if the company is going to have to find someone to cover your shift.

A Doctor’s Appointment

As you can see, there are plenty of legitimate reasons and excuses you can use for missing work. Always let your managers know when you plan to take time off whenever possible. Valid emergency scenarios are okay, but it’s always better to provide early notice when possible. Job dissatisfaction is not a good excuse to skip out on work.

When you don’t offer much notice, your employer may end up scrambling. If your position can’t remain empty, they’re going to have to frantically call in another employee to cover. If leaving it vacant for the day is an option, it’s still going to put extra pressure on your team. Most employers are at least a bit frustrated when an employee isn’t able to arrive for a scheduled shift, and typically with good reason.